2022 Price Chart for Raw Material of China Tungsten Industry

Price Operation of China’s Tungsten Industry in 2022

In terms of price, the annual average price of 55% wolframite concentrate was US$16,211/bt, up 12% year-on-year (US$15,732/bt at the beginning of the year and US$16,602/bt at the end of the year).

The annual average price of APT was $25,172/ton, up 13% year-on-year ($24,505/ton at the beginning of the year and $25,375/ton at the end of the year).

Tungsten carbide annual average price of $37.85/kg, up 11.4% year-on-year ($37.12/kg at the beginning of the year, $37.3/kg at the end of the year)

The annual average price of tungsten powder was US$38.43/kg, up 11.5% year-on-year.

Production: APT annual output of 131,498 tons, up 1.01% year-on-year. The annual output of tungsten powder was 80,861 tons, a decrease of 3.31% year-on-year. The annual output of ferrotungsten was 9,173 tons, a decrease of 0.83% year-on-year.

Tungsten Industry News Dec. 2022

In December 2022, China COVID-19 is fully deregulated.
The industry will then continue to power up with carbide raw materials, and tungsten carbide is expected to start incrementally after the Chinese Lunar New Year.
Forecast tungsten market price in December 2022: 55% wolframite US$15,541.29/standard ton, APT US$24,135.56/ton, medium grain tungsten powder US$37.52/kg. (Forecast average price in November 2022: 55% wolframite $15,183.20/bt, APT $23,634.22/ton, medium grain tungsten powder $36.52/kg.)

Tungsten Industry News Nov. 2022

It is reported that the demand in the international tungsten market is not good at present. Although the quotation fluctuates slightly, the trading volume shrinks significantly. In October, European APT was stable at 335-340 USD/ton; Rotterdam ferrotungsten fell to USD 36.7-37.5/kg, with a monthly drop of USD 0.55.

Boehlerit will adjust their price from 2nd of January, 2023.

Standard Price list Wear parts products(Rods,EDM Blocks&Agriculture):+9%

Wear parts Product Portfolio: +11%

Tungsten Industry News Oct. 2022

China tungsten price edges lower at the end of the September as participants are not optimistic about the market in the golden September and Silver October.
The data shows that the domestic APT production in September was 11890 tons and the domestic tungsten powder production was 6240 tons. Other tungsten products have shrunk to varying degrees on a month on month basis. It can be seen from the above data that the market supply and demand have been differentiated, and the inventory of downstream finished products has been increasing, which has greatly affected the spot price.

Tungsten Industry News Sept. 2022
Tungsten Carbide Price Sept. 2022

  1. The mainstream price of carbide rods with 10% cobalt is USD 49-52/kg.
  2. The mainstream price of carbide buttons with 6% cobalt is USD 44-45.5/kg.
  3. The mainstream price of carbide anvils with diameter less than 190mm is USD 57-60/kg.
  4. The mainstream price of carbide roll rings is USD 49-52/kg.
  5. The mainstream price of carbide EDM blocks with 20% cobalt is USD 63-70/kg.
  6. The mainstream price of wire drawing dies with 6% cobalt is USD 50-55/kg.

Tungsten Industry News Aug. 2022

  1.  China Machine Tool & Tool Builders’ Association (CMTBA),In the first quarter of 2022, 90 members participated in the statistics.
    Cutting tool sales were $676.7 million, up 8% year-on-year.The total profit was $78.27 million, a year-on-year increase of 5.3%.There were 17 loss-making enterprises, accounting for 19%.
  2. In the first half of 2022, the export value of cutting tools for China market was $1.66 billion (an increase of 8% on a year-on-year basis) and the import value was $ 0.69 billion (a year-on-year decrease of 10.69%). For tungsten products, the import volume in China was 3,942 tons while the export volume was 14,905 tons.
  3.  Kennametal: Increasing about 9-10% for cutting tools started from October, 2022.
    Seco: Increasing 7-8% for cutting tools started from September, 2022.
    YG1: Increasing 4-6% for cutting tools started from August, 2022.

Tungsten Industry News Jul. 2022

At the beginning of the first week in July, China tungsten price remains stable as the relationship between supply and demand continues to be in a stalemate. However, according to the price adjustment notices by some international carbide companies, a new round of price increasing may come in the next few months. Below are notices from 3 companies.

  1. Sandvik: Increasing about 8% for all products started from September 1st, 2022.
  2. Sumitomo: Increasing 15% for cutting tools started from July 1st, 2022.
  3. Yamawa: Increasing 10% for all products except Z-PRO series started from August 1st, 2022.

Cemented Carbide Latest Price, Cemented carbide lowest price, Cemented carbide highest price, Cemented Carbide Price in 2022, 2022 carbide lowest price, 2022 carbide highest price.

Tungsten Carbide Latest Price, Tungsten carbide lowest price, Tungsten carbide highest price, Tungsten Carbide Price in 2022, 2022 carbide lowest price, 2022 carbide highest price.



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  1. Aaron 11/17/2022 at 20:47 - Reply

    Great, have the information I need, thanks.

  2. zane 12/10/2022 at 08:16 - Reply

    Can you tell me how many tons of carbide are produced in China in 1 year? 2021.
    Thank you!

    • YATECH MATERIALS 12/12/2022 at 02:44 - Reply

      Please use WhatsApp to communicate with me, my account number is +8618307925403

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